Friday, September 11, 2009


The other day, we talked about dealing with simple pimple problems. But this time, we will be dealing with greater skin problem and that is acne. Acne is a mutation of pimple to a more serious one. Acne problems can be very devastating to patients for it usually leaves skin holes in our face.

To fight acne, we need to be extra careful in dealing with it. The best was to fight acne is by using tradition herbal medicines that has been proven millions of years ago to be an effective way to deal with acne and other skin problems. Here are some of the things that an acne patient can do to prevent the spread of acne in our face.

1. Avoid using commercial soaps. This means that if you are using a soap on your face, you need to stop it. For it might be the cause of skin allergy that cause acne on your skin.
2. Wash face with water only.
3. You an also use toothpaste on the pimple. Apply small part of toothpaste on the pimple and leave it there for about five minutes, then rinse properly with water.
4. Don't stay up late. Sleep early.
5. Food intake must be regulated, especially those food that are known oily foods or fatty foods. Oil in our face and with dust components blocks the skin pores and making it swell.
6. Drink plenty of water everyday for it rinse out all the body toxins that can cause acne or even pimples.

Proper hygiene is very much instructed to acne patients. Herbal medicines are very effective against acne and pimple problems.

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