Wednesday, July 29, 2009


A sore throat is a congestion or inflammation in the throat due to tonsillitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis.

Water Treatment:
1. Hot salt gargle, 3 times a day. Before breakfast, before lunch and at bedtime. Click here for the procedure.
2. Heating throat compress at bedtime. Leave it on until morning. Repeat procedure if the patient stays home in the morning.
3. Steam inhalation, 2 times a day. In the morning before breakfast, and before bedtime after salt water gargle.
4. If possible, rest the voice until the swelling or inflammation subsides.

Herbal Medications
1. Ginger or Luya lozenges. Was and peel a small piece of ginger or Luya. Chew slowly for a few minutes. Swallow the juice. Or keep small piece in the mouth, chewing it little by little.
2. Sabila or Aloe Vera leaves. Wash the leaf and cut it in ½ inches size. Keep in the mouth all day, swallowing the juice. Take another piece when there is no more juice.
3. Bawang or Garlic lozenges. Wash one piece and peel. Keep in the mouth for some time, chewing it slowly. Swallow juice.

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