Monday, July 20, 2009


Herpes simplex is an acute viral disease, characterized by groups of vesicles or small blisters. Commonly recurrent, herpes is at times seen in the small place it was seen before.

Water Treatment and Herbal Decoctions:

1. Daily bath with soap and warm water.
2. Kalatsutsi juice or Graveyard flower juice: extract juice from the leaves. Apply directly on the lesions 3 times a day.
3. Adelfa or Oleander bark and leaves. Mix well 1 cup of chopped leaves and bark with 2 tablespoons of oil. Apply on the lesions, 3 times a day.
4. Akapulko or Ringworm bush leaves. Extract juice from the leaves. Apply juice directly on the lesions.
5. Singkamas or Yam bean Seeds. Pound or grind the seeds and boil in 2 tabalespoons of oil for 5 minutes. Apply on the lesions 3 times a day.

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