Saturday, April 3, 2010


In the latest medical study, hypertension and high blood pressure is the most dangerous illness right now. When a person is diagnosed with high blood pressure, it is best to listen to the doctor's advice because failure to do so can lead to unwanted events and even death to the patient. There are many reason why a person can be diagnosed with high blood pressure. But among all, stress is the no.1 causing factor that could lead to high blood pressure. That is why patient diagnosed with this illness should always seek medical attention. But having a high blood pressure is really not a problem at all. With the help natural medicine, we can avoid having high blood pressure. This medical procedure that I will be telling you has been used by our ancient ancestors in dealing with high blood and hypertension.

Things needed:

1. One whole stalk of lemon grass, including the upper roots and leaves.
2. Pitcher of water.
3. Boiling pot.


1. Make a knot out of the lemon grass. make sure that the grass is free from sand and other unwanted materials. Young lemon grass is preferred because it has more easing nutrients that can lower high blood pressure.
2. Place the knotted lemon grass into the boiling pot. Place the pitcher of water and let it boil.
3. Remove the lemon grass an place the water back to the pitcher. Let the water cool down.
4. Let the patient drink the water, 3 times a day.

Lemon grass water has been proven with therapeutic solution, especially for patients with high blood pressure.

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