Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Ascaris and other parasitic worms infest the intestines and cause malnutrition in children.

Preventive Measures
1. Give daily bath to children and babies.
2. Wash hands with soap and water before and after eating.
3. Wash with soap and water and disinfect fruits and vegetables eaten raw like duhat or black plum, sineguelas, guava and vegetable salads.
4. Cut fingernails short.
5. Instruct children not to put fingers in the mouth.
6. Encourage children and everyone to wear slippers and shoes at all times, especially when walking on the ground.
7. Maintain a clean environment. Keep the house clean. Teach children to use the toilet.

Herbal medication for ascaris and trichina
1. Ipil-ipil or Santa Elena Seed. For children: eat the seeds of 5 fresh pads raw. Repeat after one week, if there are no results. For children and adults: cook 1 cup of dried seeds in frying pad without oil. Do not burn the seeds. Pulverize. Mix with milk or water. Dosage: adult-1 teaspoon, 2 hours after supper. Children (7-9 yrs) ¼ teaspoon, 2 hours after supper, (10-12 yrs)-1/2 teaspoon, 2 hours after supper.
2. Papaya Seeds. Dry 1 cup of seeds and pulverize. Mix with 1 cup milk or water.
3. Akapulko Seeds. Cook 1 cup of dried seeds in frying pan without oil. Pulverize. Mix with 1 cup milk or water. Dosage: Adult – 1 teaspoon, 2 hours after supper. Children (7-9 yrs) ¼ teaspoon, 2 hours after supper, (10-12 yrs) – ½ teaspoon, 2 hours after supper.

For Pin Worms:
1. Niyog-niyogan or Burma Cruper seeds. Eat raw 2 hours after supper. Repeat after one week if needed. Dosage: Adults – 10 seeds. Children (4-7 yrs) 4 seeds, children (8-9 yrs) 6 seeds, children (10-12 yrs) 7 seeds.
2. Pineapple Fruit, ripe. Eat 2-3 slices with every meal for one week. Note: when pinworms come out at night, wet cotton with oil and remove pinworm with cotton soaked in oil. Change bed sheet, underwear and pajamas every night for one week.

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